Please take a moment to consider supporting the Northwestern Youth Soccer program this fall by sponsoring a team or a promotional banner. Our organization serves more than 300 young athletes from across Clark County and the surrounding area each fall. We are affiliated through the Ohio Soccer Association and receive operating money primarily through registration fees and sponsors like you! Team sponsorship is an excellent way to help the youth in our community and serve your advertising needs at the same time. And, because we are a registered 501(c)3 non-profit, a portion of your sponsorship is tax deductible.
A single team sponsorship includes having your company logo custom printed on a team's jersey in black or white. Prices adjust as a business chooses to sponsor more teams - for example, you can choose to sponsor ONE team for a total contribution of $250, TWO teams for a total contribution of $400 or THREE teams for a total contribution of $500. Price adjustments continue as more teams are added. If you have a jersey color, coach, and / or team age preference, please list those on the Sponsorship Form in the "notes" section.
We are also offering 2' x 3' field banner sponsorships for $200 and 4' x 6' field banner sponsorships for $400. All banners are printed in full color.
Not only will your business and logo be featured by Jersey or Field Banner, but your business and logo will also be displayed here on the Sponsors page of our Northwestern Youth Soccer webpage. Your business and logo will also be displayed via our Northwestern Youth Soccer Facebook page. The advertisement opportunities are endless here with the Northwestern Youth Soccer Association. So please help us to give the youth in our community an awesome 2024 Fall Soccer Season!
To support our soccer leagues through sponsorship, please complete and return the bottom portion of the sponsorship form with your payment via U. S. mail by May 31, 2024, AND send an email to northwesternyouthsoccer@gmail.com with a high-res image of your logo as you would like it printed on the shirt and / or banner. All sponsorships are available first-come, first-serve, and total payment must be made before logos will be printed on jerseys or banners.
Make checks payable to: Northwestern Youth Soccer
Mailing address: P. O. Box 251, North Hampton, Ohio 45349
Email: northwesternyouthsoccer@gmail.com
If you have any questions, please send an email or call Natalie at 937-360-4451